Friday, November 9, 2007

A World Vision and a Heart for the Fulakunda

Yesterday was the Worldview Workshop Day. We got to hear someone speak about a certain worldview and how through understanding them we would be able to share Christ with them. I chose to go to the Tribal Worldview. It was very interesting and we got to talk about many things. The teacher mentioned times when she has tried to share and ran into barriers. The tribal people couldn’t understand the difference between the one true God, and the god that they have been told about. We also talked about many different animistic beliefs and what to do if tribes are practicing their beliefs while you are in the village and about to share. (Would you drink the blood of an animal if it was offered to keep from offending the tribe?)
The afternoon of the workshop we watched a video about the Taliabo people who live in a very hard to-get-to island in the Pacific Rim. The video shared the stories of the Taliabo people and what they believed and how these people are so afraid of death. There were two missionary couples that found these tribes and asked to live with them and learn their language. Once they learned the language they shared the stories of the Bible with the tribes. It was great to hear how these missionaries went about breaking through the barriers and were able to lead the Taliabo people to Christ. It was a story of people being obedient to Christ that were told to share with people that were waiting and needed to hear the good news. I thought to myself, “Man that would be great if something like this would happen to the Fulakunda!!” And then it just hit me, the Fulakunda are just as needy as the Taliabo. God wants the heart of the Fulakunda just as much as the wants the heart of the Taliabo and the heart of you and me. I stopped right there and started to pray for the Fulakunda, that God would work in their hearts, so they can long for that eternal joy that the Lord gives me. I still don’t know what will be in store for me or the Fulakunda, but I do know that God is seeking the hearts of the Fulakunda and he is going to use me for his glory. Ohh, I pray that I can see the harvest of the Fulakunda. Pray for with me, please.
On a different note, this weekend we are simulating a West African experience and we will spend the weekend without electricity and cooking our meals from scratch. I hope that I will learn from this experience. Cooking has never been my strong point and I hope that I learn enough to not go hungry while I’m by myself in Senegal.

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