Thursday, February 14, 2008

How Do You Handle a Hungry Journeyman?

I wanted to share these pictures with you. What happens when you get a hungry journeyman, a can of ravioli, and no can opener?

It took me about 5 minutes to get this can open and as I looked at the can I thought to myself, “If I spent this much energy getting the can open, I’m going all out!!!” And then I turned the stove on and placed the can on top.

That was some of the best ravioli I have ever had. Except for yours, Mom ;)

And if you’re wondering, I have a can opener now!


Anonymous said...

thats hilarious lol i thought at first you but the can on the stove with out oppening it so it exploded or somthing! :)

Anonymous said...

...Dude... The first pic, with the knife... the knife disturbs me... it looks like it has blood on it...
...Hi, Erik!!!!
(BTW, Mom and Allen say 'HI!')

josh said...

hey bro your knife already has a can opener on it, you put it on the side of the can and go around it and it will open it right up in just a sec. You must be a city boy. Try it out and I bet it will work.