Saturday, June 7, 2008


Over the past 5 months, my health has been a lot better than I thought it was going to be. But as we all know, things don’t stay perfect for ever. Over a week ago I started having some pain in my neck, mostly when I swallowed. I didn't think much of it and just took some flu medicine and some immune busters. The pain that I would experience would be strong one day and then the next day it would feel almost gone. This went off and on for almost a week. I starting asking around and many people have had the same thing and they all told me to get this medicine called "Anjil." So I went to the pharmacy and asked the dude there and he confirmed and gave me the medicine. He told me the dosage and that it will take a day or two for it to start working. So after that, I went to go have lunch at a local restaurant and by the time I got home the pain had worked its way over to one side of my neck and it was starting to get really swollen. So I went home, read the information, (the papers inside the box are in French and English which helped out alot) found out that I got some penicillin. I was just about a day too late on going to the pharmacy because that night my neck got real swollen, I had a real bad fewer (102.5), and lost all my energy.

As I'm typing this its now, it’s the next day, and I woke up with the same pain. As the day is going on I'm starting to feel relief from the medicine but still in the back of mind is the thought that there was a miss communication somewhere down the line and I have the wrong medicine. Please pray for my body as I'm trying to recover from this illness, and please pray for my mind, that I can still be aware of my surroundings and continue to keep my testimony. I don’t know how but everybody in the neighborhood knows that I don't feel well and if I step outside for a second I get three or four people asking if I’m OK.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We prayed for you in Sunday School this morning, and we will continue to pray for your healing! Don't wait too long to go to a doctor, though, if you still run fever and have the swollen glands. Keep us posted, mi sobrino!

Love you,