Friday, June 27, 2008


Yeah I didn’t believe it when I first heard it too, but I have a big test coming up soon. On July 8th I will take a test to see how much Pulaar I really know. I will sit and talk will three Pulaar speakers. They have a checklist of the things that I should know and afterward they will tell me if they feel I am a Level One Pulaar speaker.
I won’t be able to start my research until I become a Level Two. If I do well on July 8th, I might have my level two test in 2 or 3 months. If I don't do as well as they expect, I will have about 4 more months of language school. If I do horribly on the test they’re going to send me into the bush and make me live by myself. I made that last part up, but there will be some changes. I'm hoping they won't be that drastic!
So, over the past few days I’ve been a little crazier than normal, and I know it won’t stop until I take the test. Sometimes I think I really need to study and I stay at home and study the whole night, and at other times I think I’m fine where I’m at in my language and focus more on my relationships and friends. It will be a battle trying to find a nice balance during the next week and a half.
I have many mixed feeling about this upcoming test. I’m really anxious to get out and start my work but I really enjoy my time with my language teacher and helping the new believer as he grows. Please pray that I can keep my mind focused and that I will be able to balance my time between studying Pulaar, building relationships with my friends, and most importantly, building my relationship with Jesus Christ.


Pamela said...

ERIK! cool air conditioner!! That's awesome! Good luck on your language test. I'll pray for you. I'm glad everything is going well.

Anonymous said...

Hola sobrino.... know that we are praying for you and your language test this week. Just clear your mind and apply that big brain of yours and God will supply the rest. Let us know how it goes! Love ya!